Ran into this fellow who was attempting to hike/run the whole AZT (800+ miles) in 3 weeks. This was taken on Tuesday (5/6/14) about 10 am. He had started at the AZ/Mexico border, 72 miles away, on Sunday morning (5/4/14). He has to average about 40 miles per day to make it in 21 days. As of Sunday (5/11/14) he was 270 into the hike, averaging about 34 miles per day, but he has passed through the Catalina Mts, some of the hardest hiking on the route. He carries about a 10 pound pack. He had been written up in the AZT Assoc e-News that I read a few days before we hiked so I thought we might pass him (we were going south and he was going north). You can follow his progress here http://trackleaders.com/azt. I wish him luck.
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