Jan 13, 2015; Don and Suzanne; 7 miles RT (Click on a thumbnail below to see a larger photo)
1 Location of this hike
2 Details on this hike
3 Don checks his checklist: Camera, camera memory card and battery, hiking stick, GPS, wide-brimmed hat, keys, car doors closed, doors locked, ........
4 We parked along X9 Ranch Road at this wide spot and walked to where I am standing to begin the hike
5 To my right is Rincon peak
6 To my left is where the AZT goes up the side of the road and heads north west toward Saguaro National Park.
7 We met this big boy along the trail and introduced our selves. Suzanne shook his hand after a little confusion about which arm he woud use.
8 To the north and east were the Rincon mountains. Several of them had their tops penetrating the clouds.
9 Yet another gate along the AZ Trail.
10 We get to Rincon Creek to discover that it was flowing in most places over ankle deep. We were glad we had spent the money for Gotex waterproof shoes.
11 We are now across Rincon Creek and looking back.
12 Another gate we passed through. This one had what looked like an axe handle attached by a wire to the post. Don't know what that was all about.
13 We saw several purple cane cholla (or walking stick cholla, tree cholla, chainlink cactus). These, like pickly pear cactus,can turn purple in cold weather. It had been cold here a couple of weeks ago but the day we hiked the temps were delighful.
14 This site is known as Hope Camp and is now within Saguaro National Park.
15 Hope camp was a watering hole that is now in disrepair - maybe it should be renamed Hopeless Camp. Passage 8 ends here and Passage 9 begins.
16 Another view.
17 Another view.
18 We continue on another .5 miles to where the AZ Trail takes off from the Quilter Trail, named after Jake Quilter.
19 This is where the split occurs. The AZ Trail follows the Manning Camp Trail from here.
20 Another view of some of the Rincon Mountains around us.
21 A young Barrel Cactus with fruit still on.
22 On the way back to the Xterror we had to again cross Rincon Creek. I took some video of Suzanne trying to decide when she was ready to take a big step to shallower water to get halfway across. The second half was a little narrower and easier.