AZ Trail - Passage 27: Geronimo Trailhead East 4.3 Miles
June 9, 2015; Don & Suzanne; 8.7 miles RT, In-and-out
2 Webber Creek near the Trailhead - taken by Suzanne
3 Suzanne spotted this wild flower and took this picture
4 A trailhead marker. This is both the AZ Trial and the Highline Trail along this stretch.
5 We've now climbed a bit and Suzanne took this picture of the Mogolllon Rim above us.
6 Don's composite panorama from about the same spot as the previous photo
8 Suzanne shot this picture
12 We can't miss this flowering Agave plant
13 Close-up of the flowers on the Agave plant
14 An even closer close-up
15 Crossing one of many drainage areas
16 The perspective here makes these flowers look huge. Go back to the previous picture to gain the true perspective of their size.
19 Some areas, like this, were burned over years ago - there are no large trees still living. Several of these areas are intermingled with forested areas of large trees that were not burned over.
20 Suzanne climbing out of one of the drainage areas.
21 Another burned area.
22 Trail work was recently done here
23 Suzanne photgraphs the "King of the Steps"
24 Suzanne photographs Don as he made it out of this local drainage area. But we turned around shortly after this and headed back to the car.