D. L. Evans First set is from a hike on Mogollon Rim with Suzanne on 5/11/2015 (5.2 miles total) Second set is from visit to Waputki National Monument on 8/14/2015
1 As we start west down Yeager Canyon from FR 137 on the Barbershop Trail, we spot moss hanging from the trees - an unusual but welcome sight in AZ.
2 More moss hanging from the conifers (Ponderosa pine, Duglas Fir, Blue Spruce, etc.)
3 Some places on the trail through the Canyon were quite steep.
4 A wide spot in the small stream at the bottom of Yeager Canyon
5 Turning north on the U-Bar Trail, we spot some raspberries that were ripe. Suzanne sampled a few. So had some bears as evidenced by the fact that we found some red tinted bear scat nearby.
6 Her final raspberry is savored before she devoured it. We continued on to the Dane cabin and spring site where we have been many times over the years.
7 Don and family spent some time in Flagstaff later in that same week. One day we drove through the Sunset Crater National Monument and the Waputki National Monument. The Native American ruins in the latter were built about 1100 AD and had as many as 100 rooms.
12 A reconstructed ball field in the Wapuki National Monument.