BobsPic-DSC 0626-HDR(3) IMG 7430-HDR(3)  Stoop-shouldered person wearing a suite and a neck tie, who is a bit unhappy, and needs a haircut. Or simply some random rock shapes. Your call. IMG 7488-HDR(3)Cropped  A closer look.  Maybe the father of Darth Vader? IMG 7482-HDR(3)  The fence keeps most intruders out. In a few locations the rock has been defaced with graffiti.
IMG 7437-HDR(3) stitch  No wonder the experts can’t figure out what it means. IMG 7434-HDR(3)  Is that a man standing on a horse’s back? Horses arrived in North America around 1500 CE. A bison? A well-traveled artist may have ventured east of the continental divide and observed bison on the planes. IMG 7437-HDR(3)  When all the easy to reach spots already have artwork, put yours on top of what’s already there. IMG 7440-HDR(3) stitch  No reason to limit the number of toes to five. It’s artistic license. Or is it?  Some foot prints look more human that others.  But the number of toes vary from 4 to 6?  Do all represent human foot prints?  Have you counted the toes on Big Foot lately?
IMG 7452-HDR(3) IMG 7455-HDR(3) IMG 7458-HDR(3) IMG 7461-HDR(3)  On Guard!
IMG 7464-HDR(3)  Flying squirrels, domestic cattle, stirrups, and wristwatch? Na. The flying squirrels may really be animal hides drying.  Weird, just weird! IMG 7467-HDR(3) IMG 7470-HDR(3)  5 and 6 toes. IMG 7473-HDR(3)
IMG 7476-HDR(3) IMG 7479-HDR(3)  Newspaper Rock tells quite a story.  We're just not sure what it is.  That one big creature may represent a chieftain.  But a peace symbol?