Search for "Many Doors Ruin" in Johns Canyon

We chose to try to find some ruins that we had heard about, but didn't have good information on how to find. BLM rangers will not give details on most cultural sites in BENM, so we set out on our own, knowing that this one might be in John's Canyon.
IMG 7489-HDR  It's a beautiful day for a walk when we don't know where we are going, and it turns out that we see no one else. IMG 7494-HDR  Approaching the canyon edge. IMG 7495-HDR  We try to follow the more frequently trodden trails. EdsPics-P1010933-HDR  Let's not get too close to the edge. Ever get that queasy feeling in your knees and gut? But we're trying to spot ruins along the opposte canyon wall.
EdsPics-P1010957-HDR  Joe, with binoculars, looking for ruins across the canyon. IMG 7499-HDR BobsPic-DSC 0722-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0725-HDR(3)  We don't find any and move on.
IMG 7503-HDR  A "sky island" at the end of the finger between the two adjacent side canyons. There is a tricky downclimb that leads to some ruins we see in the distance and BobF and Joe take the challenge.  Don and Ed choose not to do the downclimb and, instead, photograph the trek out on the end of the narrowing finger. IMG 7505-HDR  This sky island has ruins all around its circumference. IMG 7508-HDR  Joe and BobF are just below the ruins we spotted from the main ridge. IMG 7510-HDR  It's a long down way to get a drink of water. Some pockets/potholes save rainwater until it's used or evaporates.
IMG 7518-HDR(3) IMG 7521-HDR(3)  Come on fellows, don't take all day out there. BobsPic-DSC 0740-HDR(3)  Our ruin find appears in the distance over Don's left shoulder. EdsPics-P1010945-HDR  Meanwhile, back at the waiting area, Don looks for ruins in the canyon walls
BobsPic-DSC 0743-HDR(3)  Bob and Joe have moved on out of sight. BobsPic-DSC 0746-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0749-HDR(3)  This is where they are at.  They found an unreconstructed complex of six apartments at this location, well sheltered. BobsPic-DSC 0752-HDR(3)  A smaller twin-unit
BobsPic-DSC 0755-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0758-HDR(3)  Timber from a fallen roof. BobsPic-DSC 0761-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0767-HDR(3)  Look at that, will you.
BobsPic-DSC 0764-HDR(3)  These residents left their mano and metate (Google them) behind when they moved out. The long and slender pieces of rock are unusual in our experience. BobsPic-DSC 0780-HDR(3)  A room with a view. BobsPic-DSC 0783-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0786-HDR(3)
BobsPic-DSC 0789-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0792-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0795-HDR(3)  The lookout? BobsPic-DSC 0798-HDR(3)  Don says, "Come on back here. It's time for lunch."
BobsPic-DSC 0801-HDR(3)  But before they return, they explore some more. BobsPic-DSC 0804-HDR(3) BobsPic-DSC 0810-HDR(3)  Many structures here have not fared well with time. EdsPics-P1010956-HDR  Joe thinks he sees an easier way to get back up onto the ridge.
BobNJoeTryingToGetBack  Joe and Bob check it out but can't make it work.  Eventually they go back to where they downclimbed and make it up. BobsPic-DSC 0816-HDR(3)  They return and have some lunch.  Joe offers some beef jerky that looks 20 years old (at a minimum by the looks of it).  Don tries a piece and quickly spits it out.  Thanks, Joe. BobsPic-DSC 0710-HDR(3)  Some Indian Paint Brush wild flowers. BobsPic-DSC 0716-HDR(3)  We did not find any sign of Many Doors Ruin. It's time to look elsewhere.
BobsPic-DSC 0843-HDR(3)  The Lexus awaits our return near the edge of the canyon. IMG 7527-HDR  We eventually find some other roads that take us to the head of the next canyon to the west.  We spotted a trail that entered the canyon at ridge level and used this to descend and look for Many Doors Ruins. IMG 7529-HDR  There is standing water in the creek bed from the rain and snow a couple days earlier. EdsPics-P1010964-HDR  There is never just a simple path. That would be too easy.
BobsPics-DSC 0844-HDR0001  The creek bed fell sharply and we stay on a contour well above because we preferred not to fall sharply. BobsPics-DSC 0847-HDR0002  Another bit to scramble over. EdsPics-P1010967A-HDR  Don takes a peek with the binoculars.  No ruins that he could spot. IMG 7531-HDR  After Joe thinks he found a trail down to the creek bed with what appears to be easy going from there, we decide to call it a day.  A little research after this hike, leads us to believe that we were going in the right direction on the right trail, and that Many Doors Ruin was about a mile on down canyon.  This may be the first place we come back to on our next visit.  We'll find it yet.
BobsPic-DSC 0864-HDR(3)  But we've got to get back up to the canyon rim where the Lexus is. BobsPics-DSC 0865-HDR0003  We find a way down to the creek level in this finger of Johns Canyon. Now it's back to the Lexus. BobsPic-DSC 0861-HDR(3)  Oh, there it is. IMG 7534-HDR  We have a scare and a shout when the Lexus moves toward the canyon edge as we start. Just kidding. We really don't want to reenact "Thelma and Louise."
IMG 7555-HDR(3)  The notch cut through the "Comb Ridge" for Utah 95, the major east-west highway through Bears Ears.  Taken from the west approach as we were returning to our hotel. IMG 7558-HDR(3)