Derrick Trail then East on Highline

Jun 2, 2015; Don & Suzanne; 7 to 8 miles roundtrip
Closing a gap in the Highline trail
A01DerrickEasatOnHighLine  Location of this hike A02DerrickEastOnHighline  The blue line just right of center is the GPS track for this hike - out and back. A03DerrickEastOnHighline.JPG IMG 2485-HDR(3)  We park the car and reach the trailhead, ready to hike
IMG 2512-HDR(3)  The trailhead IMG 2488-HDR(3)  The Derrick trail.  Some parts are heavily forested and some are still recovering from wild fires many years ago. IMG 2491-HDR(3)  That's the Mogollon Rim up there.  This trail goes only partway up. IMG 2495-HDR  Suzanne on a pleasant stroll
IMG 2500-HDR(3)  Almost to the Highline Trail IMG 2503-HDR(3)  Now we hit the Highline Trail and head east IMG 2506-HDR(3)  A beautiful old and dead Alligator Juniper tree and some agave plants IMG 2509-HDR(3)  Looking back the other way from the old Alligator Juniper
P1040227-HDR  Suzanne shoots Don while he catches his breath.