Lost Dog Wash Trail - McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Feb 11, 2020; Don, BobF, Suzanne
The city of Scottsdale, the owners of the Preserve, had just washed down all the trails the night before and the sprinkler clouds hadn't been put away yet.
And no, we didn't find the dog.
IMG 2618-HDR  Bob spotted a long neck dragon among the sprinkler clouds.  Can you? IMG 2620-HDR IMG 2622-HDR  Bob was just half with it that morning. IMG 2623-HDR
IMG 2625-HDR stitch  Looking south from the Taliesin overlook (Taliesin was the western/winter studio and home of architect, Frank Lloyd Wright).  On the left horizon you can see the silhouettes of Camelback and Piestewa Peaks on.