Don, Suzanne and Lyne ready to start their bike trek to finish the Babbitt Ranch, passage 35, section of the Arizona Trail. Oddvar, Suzanne's husband, drove us to the powerlines on Passage 35 (north of the Tub camp on the Babbitt Ranch) which marked our farthermost point north on a previous outing. From here we set out on bikes, headed for the Moqui Stage Station about 15 miles on north on the AZ Trail. Oddvar, drove back out the road behind us to highway 180 and then proceeded north toward the Grand Canyon to FR 320. He then followed 320 to Fr 301 to the Moqui Stage Station where we met him. He was there about an hour and a half before we got there. Fortunately, we found him although we had to wake him from a nap. Sorry about waking you, Oddvar. But thanks for making this bike trek possible.
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