I also brought a 6 ft. folding carpenter's ruler to use to measure the height. Of course the ruler is a little short to reach to the top so I had Cheri and Suzanne hold it vertically for this picture (the narrow yellow line in the photograph). Then, back home with a high resolution picture on the computer, I used photo editing software to draw a white vertical line the same length as the 6 ft. ruler (the vertical white line next to the yellow ruler). Pasting copies of this white line, one above the other, determined that it was 5 rulers or 30 ft. from the top of Suzanne's head to the highest point of the cactus. Suzanne, 5 ft. 8 in. tall, was standing at the base of the cactus, giving a good estimate of the saguaro's height to be 35 ft. 8 in. from the ground to top. - apparently not the tallest saguaro on record (there appears to be a taller one in the Saguaro National Monument near Tucson, estimated to be 50 ft. tall - I haven't personally verified that), but tall none-the-less. The diameter of a circle around the arms at the widest point can be estimated to be about 10 ft. 10 in., leading to a girth at this point of 34 ft. 3 in. The big cactus near Tucson is estimated to weigh 14 tons (it will depend on the moisture that the cactus has absorbed), so this one should be pushing that. (Sorry for all the data, but I'm an engineer. What can I say?)
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